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what type of apocalypse?

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 9:50 pm
by paulbradley
I believe that economic collapse will be the cause of the next apocalyptic event. What are you guys thoughts on the most likely cause? EMP? Earthquake? Zombie plague? Nuclear war?

Re: what type of apocalypse?

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 6:22 am
by Christel
I am confident that overpopulation will be a contributing factor. Overpopulation is the main cause of global warming, hunger and riots.

Of course the zombies will hit as well tongueout

Re: what type of apocalypse?

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 7:13 am
by Sandgroper
People in some way, shape or form will be a contributing factor or cause.

Re: what type of apocalypse?

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 2:11 pm
by Charlotte the flyer
We are overdue a significant period of intense solar activity. The last time, in the mid 1800s it caused issues with the technology of the day, telegraph machines rang out even though nobody was using them. Imagine what it would do in todays electronic world.

The middle east could go really hot in the next 20 years and we'll all be in Khaki again. Some idiot will use something chemical or nuclear and kick the lot off.

I personally believe that climate change is a natural cyclical event and not connected to man.

We could also see a re-run of Spanish flu but on steroids

For the tin foilers, how about a huge curveball, in 50-100 years time when we've been to Mars or landed on passing asteroids, suppose someone brings dodgy bugs back with them. :run:

Re: what type of apocalypse?

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 2:58 pm
by froggy

Under the muslim council' s pressure, the production of buckfast is been halted by David Cameron and his fine claret sipping cronies.
Hords of mad driven Scots rush down south in desperate search for their bucky...
Burning, looting & destroying everything in their path like a biblical plague of thirsty locusts...

And you smart pants always thought those zombies stories were all tales & jokes ...
Beware !!

Re: what type of apocalypse?

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 7:17 pm
by Sandgroper
froggy wrote:Salut,

Under the muslim council' s pressure, the production of buckfast is been halted by David Cameron and his fine claret sipping cronies.
Hords of mad driven Scots rush down south in desperate search for their bucky...
Burning, looting & destroying everything in their path like a biblical plague of thirsty locusts...

And you smart pants always thought those zombies stories were all tales & jokes ...
Beware !!

Re: what type of apocalypse?

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 8:00 pm
by Dougan
Economic collapses will lead to anarchy around most of the world...but whether it'll be 'apocalyptic' I don't know...?

One fact, is that the current rate of extinction to all flora and fauna is approaching a rate comparable with previous mass-extinctions, including the K2 impact...which means that humans may end up credited with the 6th and only 'unnatural' mass extinction in the last 4.5 billion years...though, ironically we may be one of the species to survive it...

As already said, over-population is at the route of all our problems...and if war, the economy or the environment don't screw us up, then disese could be the 'curve-ball' that could come from no where... could a huge meteorite! :twisted:

And for anyone (Charlotte? razz ) who thinks that we have nothing to do with climate change...then please remember that denial is not a river in Africa...

Re: what type of apocalypse?

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2013 12:51 am
by Chuck
Froggy, you really are clued up on us Jocks eh :lol:
Overpopulation is the main cause of global warming, hunger and riots
Well the last two are the fault of global economy, bankers, futures speculators and sheer greed.

Overpopulation of the wrong areas is a factor. like breeding kids in a drought hit, food scarce part of the planet.

Economic collapse is most likely, that allows greater control of the masses, pushes wages down even more and creates government dependency, something that certain governments are all about right now. That is itself will hasten economic collapse as they struggle to keep worthless promises.

Re: what type of apocalypse?

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2013 7:18 am
by Christel
Chuck wrote:
Overpopulation is the main cause of global warming, hunger and riots
Well the last two are the fault of global economy, bankers, futures speculators and sheer greed.
If the population numbers were at a level that were manageable then we would not have the hunger and riots simply because we would not have the extra people to cause it.

Re: what type of apocalypse?

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2013 9:31 am
by Charlotte the flyer
Dougan wrote:And for anyone (Charlotte? razz ) who thinks that we have nothing to do with climate change...then please remember that denial is not a river in Africa...
Yes we're causing some effect, but compared to the power of nature we're not even trying. Look at the Medieval Warm Period and the following Little Ice Age. We didn't have lots of factories, power stations and cars then and the climate was all over the place. tesnews