The grudge match

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The grudge match

#1 Post by Ovenpaa »

A grudge match' at 1200 yards was well overdue between Christel and I...

This was the first time we were to shoot together at 1200 with rifles that should be very equal at Long range. Usually I am using an AI and she is doing her thing with her 22C. Interestingly the night before she announced she was not coming out to play if it meant her rifle getting wet, was this to be the first of the excuses?

After one of us had admitted 'she' had left her drops sheet at home and had faffed around for a couple of shots to get on target we started, three of us were shooting at the target, .308, 7mm and .224 and the issue for Christel is always the butts fail to see her fall of shot. Anyway she got on the 'V' and we agreed first one to drop a V would loose.

So I won that stage. Very Happy

At 1000 2/22 of my shots were outside of the 5 ring and I logged 8 V's so I was happy, downside was shot 14 went AWOL - we shoot at 600m frames but that does not explain the missing shot. I sincerely hope it did not blow as it was only 15C today and I am not shooting particularly hot loads yet.

1200 was always going to be sketchy and I showed 5/22 shots in the 4 ring, everything else was inside with a 5 V's but I had to work for it, I recorded a couple of high shots that were unexpected as were a couple of low shots in the 4 ring.

I need to drop my neck bushing by a thou or maybe two as I am not happy with neck tension, but otherwise the 7C seems to be working well. Also I am still not convinced shooting off a front rest is the way forward for me, it feels very alien after throwing so many rounds down AI's.

It was also good to meet a couple of other forum members at the range and it looks like we have some very competent shooters in our ranks. At this rate we can have our own forum competition.

Looking forward to the next LR day ;)

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