FB-UK 2013 Cast Boolit Summer Leagues - Rules!

Moderator: dromia

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FB-UK 2013 Cast Boolit Summer Leagues - Rules!

#1 Post by dromia »

As requested.

Anything missing let me know and I will amend.

FB-UK 2013 Cast Boolit Summer League.
25 yard Bench Rest Competition

Any production rifle may be used.

Any centre fire calibre.

Smokeless or Black powder may be used.

Boolits used must be cast not swaged.

Gas checks may be fitted.

Targets to be shot off the bench with the aid of a front rest or bipod only, no rear supports to be used.

All targets to be shot at a distance of 25 yards.

Any sights may be used, although if there are sufficient entries then there would be two classes in each competition glass and iron.

Any aiming mark of the competitors choice maybe used.

Scoring would be done by the shooter supported by a photo of each target, named, dated an posted in the appropriate thread

Bench rest group size would be largest distance between two holes in a 10 shot group minus the calibre diameter.

Before shooting a competition card you should mark it as such with the competition details, round number, date and location shot.

Your card should also have the following information written on it:
Type of rifle, sights, load and bullets details-type, weight, alloy used, lube used, diameter, sized or unsized and whether gas checked or not.

Group to be measured by the shooter and verified by the witness before entering onto the target.

When shot and scored the target to be signed off by a witness who was there at the time and witnessed both the shooting and scoring.

Groups to be measured across the largest distance of the group and be measured from the penetration circumference not the hole circumference, the diameter of the boolit should then be subtracted from the group measurement for score.

Fouling shots are allowed.

Each round should consist of 10 shot groups all fired at the same session, time limit 10 minutes.

This competition depends on the honesty of each shooter. "Cheating only cheats the cheater".

FB-UK 2013 Cast Boolit Summer League.
100 yard Target Competition

Any production rifle may be used.

Any centre fire calibre.

Smokeless or Black powder may be used.

Boolits used must be cast not swaged.

Gas checks may be fitted.

Targets to be shot prone or off the bench/trench with only the elbows touching. Slings and shooting jackets may be used but no other form of support.

All targets to be shot at a distance of 100 yards.

Any sights may be used, although if there are sufficient entries then there would be two classes in each competition glass and iron.

The only targets acceptable for the competition are the NSRA Pattern 1001 B.M./89 targets.

Scoring would be done by the shooter supported by a photo of each target, named, dated an posted in the appropriate thread

Inward scoring will be used so when round breaks the scoring line nearest the centre of the target then that is the score to count.

Before shooting a competition card you should mark it as such with the competition details, round number, date and location shot.

Your card should also have the following information written on it:
Type of rifle, sights, load and bullets details-type, weight, alloy used, lube used, diameter, sized or unsized and whether gas checked or not.

Score to be counted by the shooter and verified by the witness before entering onto the target.

When shot and scored the target to be signed off by a witness who was there at the time and witnessed both the shooting and scoring.

Fouling shots are allowed.

Each round should consist of one target of 10 shots all fired at the same session, time limit 10 minutes.

This competition depends on the honesty of each shooter. "Cheating only cheats the cheater".

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