possibly the most relaxing series of reviews out there

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Re: possibly the most relaxing series of reviews out there

#11 Post by Blackstuff »

kennyc wrote:
SevenSixTwo wrote:Why does he hold a rifle like a c**t?
because he knows how to hold a modern semi-auto rifle ? the hold de uses is very popular in rapid fire comps, like the ones we no longer get to take part in :cool2:

of course.... he may just like to hold it that way.
The was a British king or prince that shot like this back in the day and the style was named after him but i can't for the life of me remember his name. I'm trying to infuriate Chris Costa fans who think he made it up, can anyone help??

I've tried Googling 'Prince Albert Style Shooting' and i had to delete my internet history.... :lol:
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