Exporting to the US

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Exporting to the US

#1 Post by shugie »

I put my Mateba Grifone up for sale on Guntrader, I'm reducing my collection because I may need to put my firearms into storage while I stay in a rental place in Scotland and sort some new clubs to shoot with out.

A bloke in the US answered my ad, asking if I could export, I know Mateba's go for strong money in the US.

Does anyone know a sensible firearms exporter who I can get an idea of price and issues from? Ideally someone who has actually used such a company.

Careful now/that sort of thing
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The Event
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Re: Exporting to the US

#2 Post by The Event »

I don't think you'll be able to export it.
If it's a rifle with a barrel shorter than 16" it's an NFA weapon and that's pretty much a no-no for importing to the US.
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Re: Exporting to the US

#3 Post by Blackstuff »

It would be extremely complicated.

AFAIK whether or not a gun is a pistol or rifle in the US depends on what it is first 'registered' as. You can literally have 2 AR-15s that are identical, with the exception of one having its easily removable/refittable stock taken off but registered as a 'pistol' and that would be fine with a sub 16" barrel, and another with or without the stock and registered as a rifle, but if you fitted it with a sub 16" barrel (or vertical foregrip!??) you would be going to prison for a long time unless you re-register it with the Feds and pay a $200 tax stamp on it. kukkuk

Given we don't operate such a system here, it would be interesting to find out if it could be 'registered' as a pistol on import to the US and thats when the designation starts, or whether as its considered a rifle, or at least NOT a 'short firearm' over here, that would count for anything over there. 5mith

If it has a 16" or longer barrel it should be significantly more easy.
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