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Re: China and Chinese products

Posted: Sat May 02, 2020 11:54 am
by TRG-22
snayperskaya wrote:One thing I will say to you TRG is that you took my intial reply to Badger, which was more intended to be a throwaway tongue in cheek reply to him talking about inclusiveness than anything else, far to seriously and literally.
Well, apologies if I missed that subtext, but at the risk of starting an uncalled for argument with you, I didn't go off on one with you about what you said.

Maybe I did think you meant it more seriously than you actually did, but, boiling it down, you said "A is the cause of situation B", and I said, "no, A is not the cause of many significant facets of situation B".

My beef is with those who, on reading that, said that it was "a load of bxxxocks", and then became aggressive and unpleasant when I asked them to please show why A really is the cause of B. Because if someone thinks that it's a load of b***ocks to say that A is not the cause of B then, logically, that can only mean that they think A really is the cause of B, and so they ought to be able to show good reason for believing that, and they ought to be able to do so with intelligence rather than it's a load of b***ocks.

That said it gave you yet another trolling opportunity, which it would seem you do more of on here rather than actually contributing very much regarding anything that is actually shooting related.
Firstly, this thread isn't about shooting.

Secondly, why do you, and so many others, seem to be of the opinion that nobody could possibly disagree with you or them for any genuine reasons, and that therefore my expressions of disagreement must be insincere, done only to deliberately cause dissent, and that all my protestations to the contrary must be lies?

Re: China and Chinese products

Posted: Sat May 02, 2020 12:10 pm
by snayperskaya
TRG-22 wrote:
there will be a zone where you really don't like them but you should recognise that they have a perfect right to be the way they are and that you do not have the right to be hostile or discriminatory towards them.
I can agree with that , I don't have a problem with people being what they want to be but I don't think its right when they try to force their views or beliefs etc on others.

Re: China and Chinese products

Posted: Sat May 02, 2020 12:33 pm
by snayperskaya
TRG-22 wrote:
Secondly, why do you, and so many others, seem to be of the opinion that nobody could possibly disagree with you or them for any genuine reasons, and that therefore my expressions of disagreement must be insincere, done only to deliberately cause dissent, and that all my protestations to the contrary must be lies?
I'm not of the opinion that nobody could disagree with me by any stretch of the imagination!, my self-importance isn't that over-inflated I can tell you.

My comment about the state of this country was mean to be tongue in cheek but thinking about it if anything it would have nothing to do with selling industry/not funding the NHS etc etc but has more to do with the fact that in this day and age very few people, especially younger generations, accept the consequences of their own actions ("it's not my fault/"it's not my job" etc), competition isn't encouraged (everyone gets a prize for "taking part", everyone's a "winner"), parts of Britains towns and cities have become virtual "no go" areas due to fairly "non-inclusive" ethic group that by and large doesn't integrate and whos actions are often ignored for fear of being called racist if they are called out.The standard of education and behaviour has, from what I can see, fallen drastically over the years, manners have by and large gone out the window and overall there is far less consideration for others.The values that made Britain "Great" have declined and if you appear to be even a little bit patriotic you get branded as a racist or bigot.Even birthdays are less special, I have heard plenty of people say that when it's a childs birthday they give all their kids a present!, how is that right?.*

I know it's their choice to do that but come on!.

Re: China and Chinese products

Posted: Sat May 02, 2020 2:52 pm
by TRG-22
snayperskaya wrote:I'm not of the opinion that nobody could disagree with me by any stretch of the imagination!, my self-importance isn't that over-inflated I can tell you.
I honestly don't think I'm ever going to understand the tendency of some people here to call me a troll when I'm expressing genuine disagreement with something they've said.

My comment about the state of this country was mean to be tongue in cheek
Apologies for not getting that. My post of images of people with panties on their heads (which I didn't go looking for on porn sites) was meant to be a light hearted tie in between someone repurposing underwear making skills and the fact that there are people out there repurposing actual underwear. I got told that it was a vile post, that I was a indescribably horrible nutjob, that there was something wrong with me and I should be removed.

I think you got off lightly!

but thinking about it if anything it would have nothing to do with selling industry/not funding the NHS etc etc
Kinda the point I was trying to make when I was accused of writing total b****cks.

but has more to do with the fact that in this day and age very few people, especially younger generations, accept the consequences of their own actions
The country is full of people of all ages, mostly not young, who refuse to accept the consequences of their voting choices.

It's full of people of all ages who have allowed themselves to be lulled into thinking that they never have to think about their own safety.
("it's not my fault/"it's not my job" etc)
Amongst the most egregious offenders there are the politicians we vote for (of all parties), and unelected officials, who face nothing worse than loss of their jobs, excoriation by an enquiry, and a bad write up in the pages of history books, when what they should be facing is serious time in chokey for their flawed actions. To pick an example other than the current obvious one, somewhere there is a person/people who signed to say that Grenfell Tower complied with Part B of the Building Regulations. He/she/they should end up gripping the rail, charged with gross negligence manslaughter.

competition isn't encouraged (everyone gets a prize for "taking part", everyone's a "winner")
Is that really true? To any significant extent?

, parts of Britains towns and cities have become virtual "no go" areas due to fairly "non-inclusive" ethic group that by and large doesn't integrate and whos actions are often ignored for fear of being called racist if they are called out.
Unfortunately most of the blame for that lies with racists who have for years misrepresented what racism is in order to ridicule it, deny that it actually exists and to deny that they are racist.

A similar thing has been done by the illiberals regarding the "myth" of "political correctness".

The standard of education and behaviour has, from what I can see, fallen drastically over the years, manners have by and large gone out the window and overall there is far less consideration for others.
People have been moaning about that for hundreds of years.

In Book III of Odes, circa 20 BC, Horace wrote:

Our sires' age was worse than our grandsires'. We, their sons, are more
worthless than they; so in our turn we shall give the world a progeny yet more
corrupt. ... everything


But can you on the one hand complain about less consideration for others and on the other complain about well-intentioned measures to not destroy young people's confidence and feelings of self worth by not branding them losers if they don't win?

The values that made Britain "Great" have declined
What values are/were those?

and if you appear to be even a little bit patriotic you get branded as a racist or bigot.
A situation not helped by the fact that the Cross of St George (oh, the irony) has been substantially hijacked by people who are indeed racists and bigots.

Re: China and Chinese products

Posted: Sat May 02, 2020 3:58 pm
by snayperskaya
TRG-22 wrote:
snayperskaya wrote:I'm not of the opinion that nobody could disagree with me by any stretch of the imagination!, my self-importance isn't that over-inflated I can tell you.
I honestly don't think I'm ever going to understand the tendency of some people here to call me a troll when I'm expressing genuine disagreement with something they've said.

My comment about the state of this country was mean to be tongue in cheek
Apologies for not getting that. My post of images of people with panties on their heads (which I didn't go looking for on porn sites) was meant to be a light hearted tie in between someone repurposing underwear making skills and the fact that there are people out there repurposing actual underwear. I got told that it was a vile post, that I was a indescribably horrible nutjob, that there was something wrong with me and I should be removed.

I think you got off lightly!

but thinking about it if anything it would have nothing to do with selling industry/not funding the NHS etc etc
Kinda the point I was trying to make when I was accused of writing total b****cks.

but has more to do with the fact that in this day and age very few people, especially younger generations, accept the consequences of their own actions
The country is full of people of all ages, mostly not young, who refuse to accept the consequences of their voting choices.

It's full of people of all ages who have allowed themselves to be lulled into thinking that they never have to think about their own safety.
("it's not my fault/"it's not my job" etc)
Amongst the most egregious offenders there are the politicians we vote for (of all parties), and unelected officials, who face nothing worse than loss of their jobs, excoriation by an enquiry, and a bad write up in the pages of history books, when what they should be facing is serious time in chokey for their flawed actions. To pick an example other than the current obvious one, somewhere there is a person/people who signed to say that Grenfell Tower complied with Part B of the Building Regulations. He/she/they should end up gripping the rail, charged with gross negligence manslaughter.

competition isn't encouraged (everyone gets a prize for "taking part", everyone's a "winner")
Is that really true? To any significant extent?

, parts of Britains towns and cities have become virtual "no go" areas due to fairly "non-inclusive" ethic group that by and large doesn't integrate and whos actions are often ignored for fear of being called racist if they are called out.
Unfortunately most of the blame for that lies with racists who have for years misrepresented what racism is in order to ridicule it, deny that it actually exists and to deny that they are racist.

A similar thing has been done by the illiberals regarding the "myth" of "political correctness".

The standard of education and behaviour has, from what I can see, fallen drastically over the years, manners have by and large gone out the window and overall there is far less consideration for others.
People have been moaning about that for hundreds of years.

In Book III of Odes, circa 20 BC, Horace wrote:

Our sires' age was worse than our grandsires'. We, their sons, are more
worthless than they; so in our turn we shall give the world a progeny yet more
corrupt. ... everything


But can you on the one hand complain about less consideration for others and on the other complain about well-intentioned measures to not destroy young people's confidence and feelings of self worth by not branding them losers if they don't win?

The values that made Britain "Great" have declined
What values are/were those?

and if you appear to be even a little bit patriotic you get branded as a racist or bigot.
A situation not helped by the fact that the Cross of St George (oh, the irony) has been substantially hijacked by people who are indeed racists and bigots.
I could be wrong but it seems you over-analyse things, especially what other people post......this isn't a criticism, merely an observation and I have no desire to fall out over anything posted :good:

And yes.....competition is suppressed in schools etc these days, just look at kids sports days for example, where there is nothing for 1st to 3rd but everyone gets a trophy/rosette/whatever just for taking part.This happened at my granddaughters sports day last year

What does giving a trophy/reward to everyone mean? It fundamentally means “lowering expectations" and can lead to a lack of ambition and motivation ......why push yourself for excellence if everyone gets the same recognition?.It could be said that it teaches youngsters that they are entitled to something for nothing with little or no effort needed and hardly a valuable life lesson.This doesn't just apply to sports, it applies to many aspects of life.

Re: China and Chinese products

Posted: Sat May 02, 2020 7:25 pm
by MistAgain
"Tory voters. Next election. Stay at home. Protect the NHS. Save lives."

TRG , Do you really think Labour can save protect the NHS ?.

I think there is more chance of the Labour Party giving us our handguns back .

Re: China and Chinese products

Posted: Sat May 02, 2020 9:31 pm
by TRG-22
A damn sight better chance than with the Tories.

What guns have they given back, or regulations have they loosened, in the last 10 years, BTW? Do you think they will give back the ones they took away in 1988?

Re: China and Chinese products

Posted: Sat May 02, 2020 9:37 pm
by Pete
"A damn sight better chance than with the Tories."



Re: China and Chinese products

Posted: Sun May 03, 2020 11:34 am
by MistAgain
TRG-22 wrote:A damn sight better chance than with the Tories.

What guns have they given back, or regulations have they loosened, in the last 10 years, BTW? Do you think they will give back the ones they took away in 1988?
If either party has the belief or thinks they have data that shows a return of handguns will allow them to retain in power or gain power , they will say that handguns will be returned . Subject to conditions of course .

But as for the Labour party protecting the NHS , its hard to find real evidence of that , certainly at local level .

Re: China and Chinese products

Posted: Sun May 03, 2020 12:09 pm
by snayperskaya
Looks like the last few pages have taken the heat off the Chinese! :p