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Re: Durham Renewal

Posted: Fri May 18, 2018 9:44 pm
by phaedra1106
Same here, my sons application went off almost 3 months ago. Since then we've had nothing but cr@p from them despite the promises of their supervisor.

After getting his GPs letter they then decided they wanted his full medical records, apart from Asperger's syndrome and an ingrowing toenail about 17 years ago there's nothing in them!. I told them to go ahead and get them, they then wanted me to pay for them, I pointed out HO guidance is very clear about it and if they wanted them they should ask and pay for them.

Then they wanted the consultant psychiatrist who wrote the report we got in 2013 (to overturn the letter his old GP wrote in 2007 who blatantly lied and said he had violent and aggressive tendencies) to explain a line in the report under the general description of the Autistic Spectrum Disorders that some people with ASD may not recognise a dangerous situation if it isn't identical to a one they've previously recognised. Unfortunately she's retired and his GP said referring him back to the adult services would be a waste of their time and limited resources as there's nothing in the report that says it applies to him.

After that they decided another GPs letter saying there were no other medical issues would do, his GP said to tell them to stop wasting his time and to read his original letter which very clearly states that there isn't.

I wrote directly to the supervisor about the fact that once again his application seemed to be stuck, she promised to look into it and talk to the risk assessment officer on Monday (3 days later). Four weeks later and still with no word Jared rang them last Friday to see what was happening, after managing to spell his first and last name correctly the chap on the phone went off, 2 mins later he came back "Jacqui (supervisor) says we don't need to speak to you, it's with the decision maker and you'll hear from them".

That was a week ago, they still haven't cashed the cheque. His application must be one of the best supported they've had, he submitted three letters from his clubs all saying they were 100% supportive and had no problems with him whatsoever.

One really annoying thing. When they were asking about the line in the report I asked if they'd applied the same criteria to the applications and risk assessments of the other FAC holders they have with Autism? (they have at least 3 I know of) as if they didn't then singularly applying it to him wasn't right. The lady I spoke to went on to say that they were being more helpful than other departments would be (which is b@ll@cks as I spoke to Northumbria last week about another matter and asked them about FAC holders with Autism, their reply was that they have no problem at all with them, they like them as they're very unlikely to do something out of character and are great at the firing point following guidance).

She then went on to qualify their departments approach to applicants with medical issues by telling me she had an application from a lady with Bipolar Disorder, she'd been concerned but after she saw her give a talk about it at the Uni she thought she was OK. So a young man who's been shooting safely for about 12 years, never been in trouble, has low level Autisim which makes him somewhat socially awkward (until he gets to know you) who doesn't need or take any medication and who's condition will never change isn't as acceptable as someone with a chemically unbalanced brain that has to be controlled by anti-psychotic medication!!!.

Sorry about the rant!

Re: Durham Renewal

Posted: Sat May 19, 2018 5:46 am
by dromia
A fast variation time alone does not a firearms certification department make.

Re: Durham Renewal

Posted: Sat May 19, 2018 6:16 am
by Dahonis
People with ASD tend to be rule and process followers, therefore probably one of the safest and most competent people on the firing line.