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Re: Perspective

#21 Post by Sim G »

Pete wrote:Work of predictive modellers when studying what the potential infection and death rate would have been if the population had applied common sense, would also have been interesting........... ... -12415650/

Watch the video...........proud to be British? 5mith


Sorry Pete, you advocate common sense, but then link a story such as that? Contradicts each other, mate.

That’s it really, common sense unfortunately isn’t. If it only affects you, then fill your boots. Eat too much fat, drink too much alcohol, take salt or sugar with everything and don’t exercise. But I am not trusting the Great British Public to be relied upon to do the right thing. There’s a fringe in our society who don’t give a rats arse how their actions impact others. And given the unpredictability of Covid, I’m quite happy for Boris to instruct the stupid to stay home.

They’re still holding parties in Scotland and Northern England FFS!
In 1978 I was told by my grand dad that the secret to rifle accuracy is, a quality bullet, fired down a quality barrel..... How has that changed?

Guns dont kill people. Dads with pretty Daughters do...!
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Re: Perspective

#22 Post by GeeRam »

Sim G wrote:But I am not trusting the Great British Public to be relied upon to do the right thing. There’s a fringe in our society who don’t give a rats arse how their actions impact others. And given the unpredictability of Covid, I’m quite happy for Boris to instruct the stupid to stay home.

They’re still holding parties in Scotland and Northern England FFS!
And several hundred utterly irresponsible Brits f*** off to Switzerland for Christmas skiing and have now done a moonlight flit to avoid Swiss quarantine measures....

Hospital bed capacity is lower than back in March/April as well, as more NHS staff are now off work, so there isn't the extra capacity to staff. My ex-missus is on the front line down in South Wales, and bless her, she was back working probably too soon after catching it herself, just because they are so short staffed.

A large majority of joe public in the UK are simply just too thick and selfish for the UK to have dealt well with Covid, no matter what the Govt were going to do or not do well.
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Re: Perspective

#23 Post by Alpha1 »

I received a (Microsoft) messenger thing tonight I don't normally use this platform so just ignore them. I realized it was actually from the Club chairman of one of the Clubs I am a member of.
The message was thanking me for a fountain pen that his wife purchased for him for a surprise xmas present. Fine. The rest of the message explained how ill both of them were with COVID 19.
You don't need to know the details.
This thing is real made me think I can tell you.
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Re: Perspective

#24 Post by Chuck »

So far we have lost 5 friends to "covid", my mate of 45 years and my long time rally co-driver has just been diagnosed with it yesterday.

The thing is that at the end of the day, like every situation / crisis, it is never allowed to go to waste by government, they are milking this!.

Predictive modelling as done by "Prof" Ferguson has been a joke - consistenyly! What comes out (in his case pure turds) depends on what you feed in, so whatever the modeller expects he will get - it's THEIR assumption - and in Fergusons case it's all been bollox.

The Government has lied consistently and constantly - and is till doing it.

There is NO differentiation between people dying WITH COVID or FROM COVID, but to keep the numbers up and keep the people scared, other illnesses no longer seem to exist - but any bets theose who die are labelled as dying from the effects of Covid, mainly they did not get the treatment they needed!

NLP, Expectation Denial (you miliatry types will know this) and good old sales technique is keeping the sheep on track.

SAGE get their "advice" from 3rd parties one of whom (a doctor apparently) doesn't quite get that this jab is NOT "immunisation" - and never has been - so what chance do we have? The word "immunisation" has been used a lot and now the Greeks (not Geek) are clamouring for a health passport for those who have been jabbed to allow cross border travel! The vaccine does NOT stop anything - it mitigates..we hope.

And yet now the 50 plus lot who have been jabbed are all booking holidays according to TUI - seems they're "jab happy" they need sectioning kukkuk kukkuk kukkuk kukkuk

Over here were doing OK till tourism picked up in July. Numbers rocketed - partly because tourists (and foreigners in general like me) were (and still are) exempt from the rules we have to follow!

Now if I want to take the local bus I must use a swipe card with a health number on it - oh well, the walk does me good!

HSBC are now threatening to shut your account in the UK if you don't wear a mask,

https://www.retailbankerinternational.c ... wear-mask/

The supermarkets are now hiring securirty to force the wearing of masks in store - or rather deny entry if you do not wear one...but no one seems to care what that can go eh.

Of course those who knew about this disease long before it happened like Fauci (strange) can't make up their minds:
A video circulating on social media shows Dr Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), saying “there’s no reason to be walking around with a mask.” Fauci’s remarks were made on March 8, 2020 ... SKBN26T2TR

Of course nowadays people have the attention span of Goldfish and need to be continually stimulated to function - so who's to blame.

And let's not forget Rishi and his eat out plan...that immediately caused a spike...DO these people not think ahead, of course not because no one advised them to do so!

MAybe if the government stopped LYING and manipulating the numbers, if people stopped living in denial and decryng those who rightly question thje cr'p spouted by the regime and the claims made about these wonder vaccines life would be easier. Sadly we are now in an age where having a different opinion makes you a tin foil hat wearer or conspiracy theorist..which is funny given how much of what was dismissed by the sheeple living in denial is now coming to pass!

Oh well, enjoy your lockdowns - they'll be around for a LONG time to come...At least you'll have your new covid passports / green passportts or whatever they will call them to keep you amused.

Oh yes, the BBC have just announced new WEARABLE jab THREE YEARS??? hmmmm Definitely not ending soon is it?
The disposable device uses micro-needles to both administer the vaccine and monitor its efficacy by measuring the body's immune response.

A prototype will be developed by the end of March in the hope it can be put forward for clinical trials.

Swansea University researchers aim to make the device commercially available within three years. ... down/L0v2H
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Re: Perspective

#25 Post by GeeRam »

Chuck wrote: hmmmm Definitely not ending soon is it?
Its unlikely to ever end, the human race will have to learn to live with this forever now...and heath care in every country will have to struggle to cope with it...or not as the case may be.

Some form of social distancing/mask wearing etc., is the new normal (as it has been in Japan etc for decades already) even once most people have been vaccinated. And its likely the vaccine will need to be tweeked every year as well, for all the mutations that happens as we're already seeing.
The sooner people start to grasp the simple rules the better it will be. People are too selfish and thick though, and still believe we'll all be back to the pre-2020 "normal" which is very unlikely any time soon, if ever.
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Re: Perspective

#26 Post by channel12 »

You could argue that the problem with Covid for the health services is isn't really deadly disease. By that I mean if the victim died within a days of contracting the virus it actually would be less of problem and the virus would burn itself out quickly. You wouldn't have people being infectious and infecting others for days before becoming ill, you wouldn't have hospital wards full of people requiring intensive care for weeks and often still dying after time and resources had been expended on then.
People would precautions seriously, nobody would be saying it's no worse than the flu, or it's a hoax or I don't anybody who has died. The body count initially would be high but proper lockdown would stop widespread through the country.
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Re: Perspective

#27 Post by Whizzbang »

People who claim lockdowns are worse than the disease do not understand the ramifications of not partially controlling spread.

The economy will still be screwed if you let the disease run rampant.

Likewise, the deaths from other conditions will spike: we are really struggling to control spread within hospitals, despite "green pathways" and attempting to segregate known, suspected, exposed and confirmed cases.

You can't turn people away who have Covid and need hospital, nor do we have staff to run the Nightingales. You can't kick people out who catch covid but came in with other problems.

Locally, we tried to separate our urgent elective (urgent planned but not emergency) surgery from the acute hospital, setting up a new service in a hospital with no A&E or ITU and managed to run it for a few months before Christmas, until the staff were pulled to man the acute hospitals.

Make no mistake, if you have a condition requiring hospital admission (appendicitis, a stroke, heart attack, broken ankle that needs fixing), Covid control is relevant to you. It is nonsense to ignore it and say- the NHS won't cope but so what, only a few old people will die. This is naive and would have a huge knock-on effect on people of all ages.

I have young, healthy colleagues who had a protracted hospital stay with Covid during first wave. In their 30's. One was a regular 10K competitor and now can't run and has a cardiac issues, the other can't do a flight of stairs without SOB and a rest. Another still has trouble concentrating and remembering things and her taste/smell has not returned yet. These cases are not reflected in the death rates, which themselves are kept low by lockdown.

So many people think they are experts on this, having developed an opinion from Internet sources, some of which may seem like credible sources: government stats (but which they don't understand), some Drs, and even epidemiologists. Yet they really have no clue, almost child-like in their simplification of a complex problem. There are experts in the field trying to balance the pros and cons of various measures and they have the knowledge and data to work with. They Know lockdowns aren't harmless to health and the economy. Stop assuming they don't.

The Internet means the armchair experts now have a platform and this often gives them an impression that their opinion is valid, or must be heard and acted on. Mostly this is harmless but the conspiracy nuts, anti-vaccers and lockdown-breakers are actually a danger to society and will prolong this pandemic by spreading doubt and fear about measures that will shorten it.

Luckily this place is reasonably sensible...
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Re: Perspective

#28 Post by Whizzbang »

channel12 wrote:You could argue that the problem with Covid for the health services is isn't really deadly disease. By that I mean if the victim died within a days of contracting the virus it actually would be less of problem and the virus would burn itself out quickly. You wouldn't have people being infectious and infecting others for days before becoming ill, you wouldn't have hospital wards full of people requiring intensive care for weeks and often still dying after time and resources had been expended on then.
People would precautions seriously, nobody would be saying it's no worse than the flu, or it's a hoax or I don't anybody who has died. The body count initially would be high but proper lockdown would stop widespread through the country.
This is exactly why MERS and Ebola are easier to control. Less denial.

When a young person is seen dying from fulminant Ebola, lieing in their own blood, oozing from eyes and every orifice, bubbling and choking on the sticky froth, word gets out and people Take it seriously.

A long incubation period and frequently mild symptoms really help SARS-COV-19 spread, too.
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Re: Perspective

#29 Post by shugie »

Sim G wrote:The fact is no one knows how Covid will affect them. Not everyone who has died from it had underlying issues. There was a young girl in Durham, late 20s a nurse. She contracted it and infected her parents, two people in their 50s where the mother was a “sickly” person generally.

Mother was fine, Dad coughed himself silly for three weeks, killed the young woman.

And then there is “long Covid”. Watched an interview with a GP who was a runner. Contracted Covid back in April. Still can’t walk more than 200m and had just lost her job because the surgery she worked at couldn’t take the absence.

Covid is a very highly infectious disease that has the ability to kill or debilitate, have no doubts about it. Basing the threat of it purely on the number of deaths it causes is frankly ridiculous. The reason we are still suffering with it is because stupid, selfish people have decided measures don’t apply to them or that it’s just one big “World Government” con...
I know a couple of people who have died of covid, and another six yet to recover from it. The impact of long covid on the NHS is largely being swamped by the acute patients at the moment, but it's not going to be a small problem. And those who have it seem largely unable to return to work, another impact on the state.
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Re: Perspective

#30 Post by Pete »

A large number of people simply won't take it seriously until bodies start appearing in the streets.............and even then some will say "what's the point?" and carry on partying.

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