Looking to start practical shotgun

All things shotgun related.

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Re: Looking to start practical shotgun

#31 Post by techguy »

Mark, I think the stat is referring to championship matches; not club matches. Of which there has been 4 UKPSA championship events (Carlise, Harlow, Carlise and Borders)

Re: Looking to start practical shotgun

#32 Post by Primer »

dodgyrog wrote:
techguy wrote:
dodgyrog wrote:Join the UKPSA and do their training course
Totally not necessary. There's more PSG matches going on outside the UKPSA than in it.

Being a member of the UKPSA is also no longer a requirement for most forces for a S1 shotgun for PSG.

Each to their own of course :)
Not necessary - maybe!
Good sense - absolutely!
I've been trying to get on a course since end of June with nothing coming up anywhere near me, Shield ran one about 2 months ago but only gave me 2 days notice so couldn't make it.

I thought I needed to do one to get FAC shotgun on my FAC application but it was never discussed or mentioned as a requirement and I got a shotgun and slugs on my license.

Re: Looking to start practical shotgun

#33 Post by techguy »

Primer, I'm sure we can get something arranged. I know a few of the guys are putting together some material at the moment for 'club courses'

Would shield be your preferred location? Have you done any PSG yet? Feel free to PM me to discuss further..

Re: Looking to start practical shotgun

#34 Post by ashhow »

Mossberg 500's magazine tubes CANNOT be extended as their magazines are attached to the barrel. You can however buy 500's in 5+1 or 7+1, you can only buy magazine and drums for them but they are rare as rocking horse poo over here!

Buy an 870, you can put a nordic extension on it and there are over 10m of them floating about.
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Re: Looking to start practical shotgun

#35 Post by CDM5 »

Thanks for all the info.

I've been speaking to MidwayUK about a replacement barrel. They say they can only provide one to the trade as it has to be proofed.

What is the minimum barrel length & overall length for a FAC shotgun?

Re: Looking to start practical shotgun

#36 Post by saddler »

24" for pump action shotguns, minimum 40"

See section 2.5 of Firearms Law, Guidance to the Police 2002

Re: Looking to start practical shotgun

#37 Post by 4Islander »

Blackstuff wrote:
techguy wrote:
A quote from the F4i forum for the 2012 PSG season.
UKPSA - 61 Shooters & 4 Matches
F4i - 168 Shooters & 8 Matches
??? I've shot 13 UKPSA matches this year, missed at least 8 and there's still 2 to go. I know UKPSA has its short comings but the schism between 4islands and them has blame on both sides and 99% of it is politics/personal problems and nothing to do with shooting

Hi Mark ?

The numbers quoted above are a direct comparison of the number of championship matches held & the competitors entered used by each organisation to crown a champion(s).

If you have shot 13 matches this year I assume your really talking about club level shoots, if so one f4i club alone (Worcester) held 12 practical shotgun matches all by itself, but F4i does not count those or our other affiliated clubs home matches & we don't expect UKPSA does either, they are simply matches held at affiliated clubs that we & the UKPSA do not collect the scores from, unless your counting the postal stuff which is so open to inconsistency between venues its laughable, but thats up to them.

You say it has nothing to do with shooting but Im sorry to inform you that it does, & as for "blame on both sides" Im not sure what you mean but I would be happy to address any gossip/propaganda you have told in order to set the record straight.

In truth the guys from f4i just wanted to open things up & grow the sport, but it became clear to them that this was unlikely to happen anytime soon under the current UKPSA leadership, so several of them who were on the UKPSA council either resigned or refused the invitations to return to the UKPSA council after the 2010 AGM & formed a new group.

After a very successful first season four4islands attempted to assist others in running a 4gun match at Bisley last February, this with the full support of the NRA, when a certain UKPSA council member & at the time also the serving NRA Target shotgun rep, wrote a letter casting aspersions on the credibility of the F4i contingent involved & tried to get the match cancelled, making threats to involve the relevant authorities if his view of how things should be done were not adhered too, this is not the best way to promote shooting in the UK in my opinion, & If you would like a copy of the letter then do ask around at Bisley Im sure someone will send you a copy. ;)

The match went ahead despite the attempts to de-rail it & he subsequently lost his seat when it was next contested, the match had a great write up in the NRA journal & the pictures of four4islands shotgun stages made the centre spread of the magazine, in fact it was such a success that it is being done again this coming February at Bisley & this time with full support from the New NRA Target Shotgun Rep.

Then there is the nasty business of the UKPSA throwing out one of its members (who just happened to be thanked by name in the NRA journal article) without providing him with any evidence as to why, leaving everyone to assume he had done something very bad & they have still not released the evidence or the minutes from the meeting that the council held in secret to expel him.

I suggest that UKPSA members ask the council for access too that evidence & also access to the minutes of the meeting, as it is against the UKPSA constitution to hold meetings in secret & to withhold any relevant minutes from its members.

There is much more but we would be here all night & to be honest most people just want to shoot without having to jump through hoops......

See you on the range tongueout

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Re: Looking to start practical shotgun

#38 Post by Blackstuff »

Sorry but i'm not bringing the UKPSA Vs F4i bullsh*t onto this forum, there is blame, backstabbing and petty squabbling on both sides, which i have had the misfortune to witness first hand, arguments over literally nothing more than ego and nothing to do with promoting shooting in any form.

I attend matches and am a member of clubs and associations in order to shoot, not sit around talking but to pull triggers and i have left both clubs and associations to get away from 'politics'. troutslapping

I'd also like to say i am not the FB UKPSA 'champion' either, if the F4i matches weren't all darrn saarf i'd be going to those too! bangbang

Re: Looking to start practical shotgun

#39 Post by saddler »

Blackstuff wrote:...if the F4i matches weren't all darrn saarf i'd be going to those too! bangbang
Back up what Mark said

& also add that there are even fewer matches North of the border, a situation that nobody seems much bothered about....

To get to the Carlisle matches is about a 4 to 5 hour round trip, depending on traffic, etc.

p.s. did the er, thing. arrive yet??
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Re: Looking to start practical shotgun

#40 Post by Blackstuff »

Yes. Yes it did. Thanks! :good:
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