China and Chinese products

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Re: China and Chinese products

#31 Post by Ovenpaa »

Hey TRG-22 I was wondering where you had got to!

Of course a total boycott and the exclusion of all Chinese products is unworkable and I am certainly not going to put a hammer through any items I suspect of such an origin. However I can take a firm view when they are replaced. I had cause to order a product from Amazon very recently, all was looking good until it announced a delivery date of the end of April start of May. I cancelled the order. The big issue now is, was the product I chose to replace it simply a Chinese product already here in the UK and simply being sold at an inflated price?

Obviously I have no way of knowing, however I have and will continue to question the source of every single item coming into the business and home and if there is any doubt it is not going to happen.
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Re: China and Chinese products

#32 Post by TRG-22 »

dromia wrote:
meles meles wrote:smart oomans.
You and your oxymorons.


Re: China and Chinese products

#33 Post by TRG-22 »

Ovenpaa wrote:Hey TRG-22 I was wondering where you had got to!

Of course a total boycott and the exclusion of all Chinese products is unworkable and I am certainly not going to put a hammer through any items I suspect of such an origin. However I can take a firm view when they are replaced. I had cause to order a product from Amazon very recently, all was looking good until it announced a delivery date of the end of April start of May. I cancelled the order. The big issue now is, was the product I chose to replace it simply a Chinese product already here in the UK and simply being sold at an inflated price?

But don't get me started on the likes of eBay and Amazon being perfectly happy to make money by providing a platform for companies outwith the jurisdiction of the EU/UK to sell dangerous and/or fake products into our country for which an EU/UK based manufacturer or importer or retailer would face prosecution.

Ovenpaa wrote:
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A reasonable sentiment, but one which carries the danger of protecting British manufacturers against worthy competition, making them lazy and unwilling to invest in improved products etc. Look how sh*te US cars are compared to German ones, for example, because for decades lazy un-innovative US makers got away with not keeping up to date, protected by a "Buy American" attitude.
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Re: China and Chinese products

#34 Post by mag41uk »

Will be interesting to see what happens at the end of this.
Will mistrust of all things Chinese have infiltrated the psyche of the UK population?
Wouldn't it be great if UK gov could look at the 100`s of failed businesses and give them a helping hand to take over producing typical imported goods.
A couple of local schools have taken up 3d printing face visors for NHS staff.
Also folk making headbands with an attachment to hook the face mask around as their ears are getting sore.
Its a time of need and I do think the British back bone is evident sadly marred by that few percent of total numpties.
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Re: China and Chinese products

#35 Post by Alpha1 »

I spent this afternoon in my shed completing an order for pens that is nothing to do with shooting. I took the time to look around if I removed everything in my shed/workshop including the lathes the mill tooling vises etc that was made in China my shed would be empty.
Its scary when you take the time to actually look at how they have flooded the world with there products.

But as an example I recently needed a couple of chuck keys I googled it and ended up on ebay I could buy the chuck keys from some one in the UK who obviously buys stuff from China then re sells it on ebay or order one from Myford UK for twice the price.
To test the water in current climate I ordered both.
Both items arrived in more or less the same time.
Both items fitted the chuck so I could work with both.
The Myford version was really well made.
The Chinese version worked and that,s about all I can say really except it was half the price of the Myford offering.
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Re: China and Chinese products

#36 Post by dromia »

mag41uk wrote:Will be interesting to see what happens at the end of this.
Will mistrust of all things Chinese have infiltrated the psyche of the UK population?
Wouldn't it be great if UK gov could look at the 100`s of failed businesses and give them a helping hand to take over producing typical imported goods.
A couple of local schools have taken up 3d printing face visors for NHS staff.
Also folk making headbands with an attachment to hook the face mask around as their ears are getting sore.
Its a time of need and I do think the British back bone is evident sadly marred by that few percent of total numpties.
I doubt it, human nature is what it is and lacks the qualities necessary to be a sustainable dominant species.

Greed, avarice, a desire for things and a malign shopping addiction seems to be at the heart of all human beings.

You don't need much brains to know that what we have been doing post war has been oh so wrong.

A capitalist system based on unlimited growth is obviously unsustainable as all things are finite.

A global system that is always at the risk of being held hostage to national vagaries is tenuous at best.

A system that generates wealth that flows upward into the pockets of a few only leads to the paupery of the many.

We all knew that plastics which wouldn't degrade quickly in nature was bad but humanity continued to consume plastic bags etc. etc. with alacrity.

Everyone knew that the growing debt bubble of the '80s, '90s, and early 21st century was doomed but everyone still piled on the debt, people were boasting about "maxing out their credit cards". Personal credit rating adverts are now mainstream showing how you can have your hearts desire by racking up the debt. I buy with what money I have in my pocket but most of the world buys things with money they don't have and never will. Debt is now a currency.

Political deregulation has left people open to even greater exploitation but no-one took issue with that whilst it fed their petty sine qua non.

Global corporations continue to cynically exploit at every opportunity, look at VW and the emissions scandal, look at the banks that nearly brought the economic system down behaving with even worse avarice and criminality with the populace having to pay for their evil. Even in this current crisis the supermarkets, one of the few businesses to to well out of covid-19 are getting their snouts into the governments rate relief trough worth billions to them and currently paying huge dividends to their shareholders on the back of it.

I could go on and on, I haven't even discussed Amazon, ebay and the internet's parasitic, exploitative guzzling on our fatal follies. What this shows is that people have no rectitude, integrity or moral value system up to the task of managing the consequences of human ingenuity.

Human nature shows what it is capable of in times of crisis as we watch individuals giving their all for their fellows, at great personal risk to them selves, whilst global capitalism is true to form creaming what they can from their backs.

Post this covid-19 plague people will default to their petty avarice and mean desires, whatever changes the corporations will continue their cynical exploitation of the human condition for their own sad greed.

Governments who should be balancing social need against global greed are too tied up with their own vested interests and their shallow need to remain in office to do their duty.

We get what we deserve as a consequence of our own actions, or in most peoples case their own inactions.

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Re: China and Chinese products

#37 Post by Pete »

Nicely put.......if only Joe Public would realise this...........but as long as he can buy the latest flat-screen/Ipod/SUV, he really doesn't give a s**t.

It's the same with social distancing...........if I catch this bloody virus, at my age, it's pretty much game over. I'm doing my bit, so I'm really unimpressed when others don't do theirs.
People are just so unbelievably stupid and self-centred.

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Re: China and Chinese products

#38 Post by Christel »

I am really pleased about what is being posted in this thread.

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Re: China and Chinese products

#39 Post by channel12 »

Some years ago I was at a health & safety seminar on work equipment when somebody said the "CE" Mark really just meant Chinese export.
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Re: China and Chinese products

#40 Post by Christel »

This money thing, often we hear that this and that has donated or is funding research.

Bill Gates springs to mind. 104.1 billion USD net worth 2020.

Prince Harry/Meghan Markle, latest I read was that they are aiming to run a not for profit organisation.

Then of course there are the likes of Geldorf and his feed the world antics.

All of them...makes bugger all difference while leading a very comfortable life.

Has anyone suggested to them to donate some money to individuals which would make a huge difference instead of investing in carbon neutral boats that then turn out to actually run on diesel, flying everywhere first class or on private jets meanwhile wagging their fingers at the general populous for flying on holiday.

If Bill Gates donated 10USD a month to 5000 families in India, what a life changer, they may even be able to get running water and he wouldn't even notice the money leaving his account.

They may be good at making money under different guises however they are not very clever, are they.
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