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Re: Dynamic Pistol Class / July 2015

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 3:36 pm
by meles meles
End of Day 2

This afternoon we had 10 rounds each through Froggy's Dragunov just for fun afore the teaching began again but this time on VZ 58s. As it was only 38 degrees in the shade, our ever hospitabubble hosts, keen to ensure we didn't feel cold, provided us each with a nice 14 ply Kevlar body warmer and a chest rig to carry our 6x30 round magazines in. Such nice people...

We did safety and stoppage drills then it was out of the shade and into the frying pan to release 180 canned bangs back into the wild at ever increasing ranges. We were also made to fire the VZ with just one paw and with the correct technique it was surprisingly accurate.

Tomorrow we get to train with both pistols and rifles in extended scenarios.

Your dedicated correspondent,

Baked Badger

Re: Dynamic Pistol Class / July 2015

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2015 5:54 am
by meles meles
Day 3.

It's breakfast time on the final day: the day we put into practice all that we have learned thus far. We're going to be given Glocks and VZs, then a task to complete. There may be ostriches to be rescued, naughty paper to be perforated. The clock will be ticking and the sun beating relentlessly down on us. Eagle eyed instructors watching our every move, noting our mistakes, gently chiding us when we are a microsecond too late to change a magazine or a fraction to eager to splat an ostrich and let the paper live...

It's already 34 degrees and the sun is barely up yet (though the same can also be said of some of the bald monkeys). Rumour has it too that the empty pockets on the front and back of our Kevlar body warmers will be augmented with a couple of manhole covers...

Re: Dynamic Pistol Class / July 2015

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2015 5:04 pm
by meles meles
Fin, Day 3

We survived the course, liberated the ostriches and safeguarded a VVIP. The bald monkeys & the howlin' wookie will doubtless be online later to give you all the details, complete with videos, just as soon as they have updated their fartbook and twatter pages.

We have acquired a new nickname, given to us by le Chief Instructeur, and we are quite proud of it. In one scenario we had to take a stroll along le boulevard whereupon ragamuffins and vagabonds would surge forward from the crowd and attempt to accost us with a knife.

We strolled.

A ragamuffin lunged at us.

We stepped smartly aside, drew our Glock 19, took 3 paces off the line of attack and simultaneously, avec notre paw formidable, put two rounds into the ragamuffin's chest, paused to assess the situation and scan for further vagabonds, then shot the ragamuffin 'tween the eyes, just to be sure.


L' INSTRUCTEUR chuckled Gallicly et dit, "Quelle style, so British"

Apres la, we are now called 'So British Badger'


Re: Dynamic Pistol Class / July 2015

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2015 7:05 pm
by daman
Sounds like you guys had a blast. Thanks for the updates. Might need to book myself in sometime!

Re: Dynamic Pistol Class / July 2015

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2015 5:56 am
by meles meles
It's a great course, ooman, but quite tough. The quality of the instruction is superb, but if you are looking just for a holiday where you blast off loads of rounds for fun and little else then this course isn't for you. On the other paw, if you want to learn how to use a pistol and rifle SAFELY and effectively in a range of defensive environments then start bombarding Froggy with requests to attend his next trip right now. It was already being planned around dinner on Day 1 of this course...

* Dinner, noun, Cz. A chunk of meat with lashings of a spicy sauce and just the merest hint of a vegetable.

Re: Dynamic Pistol Class / July 2015

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2015 10:21 am
by TattooedGun
What is this thing you speak of..? Vegetable...?

No, not seen those in a few days... :p

Re: Dynamic Pistol Class / July 2015

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2015 3:38 pm
by froggy
It is with great regrets that I must confirm that only 5 of our initial 6 Czech rangers were last night safely airlifted back to good old Blighty. As from 1700 hours, it has now been 24 hours that we lost all contact with our comrade "so B" Badger and sadly must now officially report him as MiA deep in hostile Bohemian-Moravian territory.

Before you all reach for your handkies, I must also confirm that the tantalizing blond content of the shortest & flimsiest white cotton summer dress attending our billeting, has also been reported missing ...

So ... where-ever you are ... what-ever situation you are now facing ... if you are able to read those words "so B" Badger, many thanks for those daily up-dates you transmitted back to your faithful UK readers. Rest assured all our thoughts are with you & that England expects that every man will do his duty !

Re: Dynamic Pistol Class / July 2015

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2015 5:37 pm
by meles meles
Careful, Froggers, careless talk costs lives! You really shouldn't have given away details of Prince Phillip's disguise afore we managed to get him safely to the extraction point...

Re: Dynamic Pistol Class / July 2015

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2015 7:48 pm
by TattooedGun
I got a few minutes (read; hours) to put some photos and videos up onto youtube and consequently my blog documenting most of what I can remember of the trip: I have missed out some stuff but I'm exhausted and can't be bothered right now to edit, but will do in the fullness of time.

Most of the course was included however, with some little bits forgotten. if anyone there wants to fill in blanks, gimme a shout :) ... lt-rifles/

Re: Dynamic Pistol Class / July 2015

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2015 9:37 pm
Good pictures and write up. Who's who? FB UK usernames if possible? I can see Froggy looking very sinister on the far left and you just right of middle, but who's everyone else?
