F-B(UK) RFD Network

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Re: F-B(UK) RFD Network

#41 Post by Alpha1 »

A full time gunsmith interesting so are you a machinist or do you have a mechanical back ground what decided you to become a full time gun smith. What tooling are you intending to set up in the industrial unit manual machines or CNC. What sort of Mill do you think you will install. Will you be chambering barrels or just general stuff. You say you are all ready a Registered Fire Arms dealer part time I am interested on going down that route I would appreciate any advice you can give me to help me in becoming a part time registered fire arms dealer as my licencing authority rejected my last application.

Re: F-B(UK) RFD Network

#42 Post by mikygpu »

Alpha1 wrote:A full time gunsmith interesting so are you a machinist or do you have a mechanical back ground what decided you to become a full time gun smith. What tooling are you intending to set up in the industrial unit manual machines or CNC. What sort of Mill do you think you will install. Will you be chambering barrels or just general stuff. You say you are all ready a Registered Fire Arms dealer part time I am interested on going down that route I would appreciate any advice you can give me to help me in becoming a part time registered fire arms dealer as my licencing authority rejected my last application.
I will eventually get a fully multihead CNC, it is a question if it will happen here or in EU. I want to make a straight pull action, based on an existing design, but at the moment I am just working on it in CAD. As machines, I have a small workshop with some vertical drills, vices, and bench Axminster milling and lathe - more suitable for modelling engineering. No industrial class milling or lathe yet, but I'll get there. Repairs are the most I like doing but the main stream of money is in re-barreling and chambering existing actions. And mounting them in tactical chassis. For that cnc's and other massive machines are needed.

As a part time dealer:
The force should not reject your application because you intent to do it for a minority of shooters or as part time. All this is in the 2016 gun law, page 144, chapter 16: https://assets.publishing.service.gov.u ... 16_v20.pdf
In effect, unless you have few hundred K's at your disposal, you in effect start as part time dealer.
Also, you can argue the point that you might want to deal in antique or hard to get or obsolete guns, which as volume will be hard to get, hard to sell. You can always start with air rifles and buy and sell them and then point out to your force that you want to do it as per the Law says in chapter 16.2: Definition of dealers.
I've started with air guns and I have shown buys and sales and I put all that in my application saying I want to avoid breaching the law...

Hope this helps
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Re: F-B(UK) RFD Network

#43 Post by Alpha1 »

Thanks. Good luck I hope it works out for you.
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Re: F-B(UK) RFD Network

#44 Post by Christel »

mikygpu wrote:Repairs are the most I like doing but the main stream of money is in re-barreling and chambering existing actions. And mounting them in tactical chassis. For that cnc's and other massive machines are needed.
I do not agree with that, massive machines are not needed in order to carry the work you detail out.
Gunsmithing is mainly about skill and experience.

Re: F-B(UK) RFD Network

#45 Post by mikygpu »

Christel wrote:
mikygpu wrote:Repairs are the most I like doing but the main stream of money is in re-barreling and chambering existing actions. And mounting them in tactical chassis. For that cnc's and other massive machines are needed.
I do not agree with that, massive machines are not needed in order to carry the work you detail out.
Gunsmithing is mainly about skill and experience.
I kinda agree with you too, Christel.
But I want to make a complete action and embed that into a complete new type of stock. That might require some bigger machines.
In terms of machines I would like, I am not talking about something like this: https://www.ebay.co.uk/i/143573883805

I am talking about something more "domestic" that would allow me to program and cnc any piece of metal up to the length of a barrel for actions or rifles re-barrel work - or wood up to the length of a full Stutzen stock. Something in the region of a 2k to 6k max.

I am more inclined into computing and CAD rather than old hand work as I am in no way shape or form as talented as my grandad was. So I'll probably end up 3d laser scan the piece and program it in the machine and let the machine do the work.

But for now I have done quite some extensive work on rifles and shotguns, incl drilling the action and thread tap it for rails using a pilot drill, hand tools and dremels. I would like to have a laser embossing machine to get the SN embossed to all parts incl bolts, but that is another £500 to £2k depending on power and accessories.

A synthetic plastic or fibre glass injection machine also would be handy to make various stocks, or parts or similar stuff.

Looking at DG gun I have and comparing it with an AI AXMC chassis, the gun made by DG in 2014 is rather crude.

But I agree with you Christel. Nothing beats patience, skill and experience.
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Re: F-B(UK) RFD Network

#46 Post by ovenpaa »

The DG/Mcree type chassis are crude, however they are also effective. These days there is a worrying trend to make things way too complex in my opinion. This is the CG-BAR75 chassis to suit the Barnard P action. Robert Chombart and I worked on this chassis some 6-7 years ago and it ticked all the boxes other than it was not tacticool enough. Later on at the start of the first lockdown I built the M54S-430 chassis for a .22LR Model 54 rifle and it was fun to talk to Robert again, sadly he died soon afterwards.

At least I can be proud in the knowledge that what we built was not a copy which is a path so many people seem to go down these days.

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Re: F-B(UK) RFD Network

#47 Post by mikygpu »

Ovenpaa wrote:The DG/Mcree type chassis are crude, however they are also effective. These days there is a worrying trend to make things way too complex in my opinion. This is the CG-BAR75 chassis to suit the Barnard P action. Robert Chombart and I worked on this chassis some 6-7 years ago and it ticked all the boxes other than it was not tacticool enough. Later on at the start of the first lockdown I built the M54S-430 chassis for a .22LR Model 54 rifle and it was fun to talk to Robert again, sadly he died soon afterwards.

At least I can be proud in the knowledge that what we built was not a copy which is a path so many people seem to go down these days.
The attachment CG75BAR.jpg is no longer available
There you go! this is what I am looking for in my Tactical post!!
They are not tacticool enough ??? Some ppl instead of concentrating on shooting and hitting the target want to play soldiers with tactical chassis.
Can it accommodate Mauser .30-06 action? See my DG .308 pictures (attached) and you will see what I mean. I am missing a cheek rest to make it comfortable to get into eye relief of the scope and shoot it.
How much are these chassis and where can I find them?
DSC_0204 copy.jpg
DSC_0202 copy.jpg
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Re: F-B(UK) RFD Network

#48 Post by ovenpaa »

DG? Ask Mik to supply one or make one yourself. I used Kydex on spacers to save weight last time however a machined version with rack adjustment is always good, assuming you can get the cheek piece low enough.

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