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Bisley 23-6-11

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 6:04 pm
by Christel
We went to Bisley today!
Shooting 1000 and 1100.

Ex-skydiver, dangermouse, ovenpaa and I, I was not shooting, I was taking the day off away from everyday life and dogs (they were with the dog sitter for the day)
I even got to read a few pages in my book! Lovely.

Anyway the lads had fun shooting, I took some pictures and also some videos but it was mainly to try out my new (used from ebay) camera.
Weather was fine, white cloud, windy right up until the moment they were packing things away, heaven just broke open, really heavy rain, stuff was thrown into the car!

Camera has proven very good and I shall be using it for when we go to DK, I am going to mount it on a tripod and video the target.

Re: Bisley 23-6-11

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 6:48 pm
by dromia
Thats the problem with photographing shooters on the range, all you get is a row of a***s peering at you.

Re: Bisley 23-6-11

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 6:51 pm
by Christel

I actually thought the picture was good because of the targets in the distance and the flags.

Re: Bisley 23-6-11

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 6:56 pm
by IainWR
christel wrote::lol:

I actually thought the picture was good because of the targets in the distance and the flags.

On behalf of the NRA I apologise for the state of the flags. We expected to put the new ones up last week , but have been supplied with flags of the wrong dimensions. The Shooting div staff have done a great job identifying a new supplier and getting a sample (approved yesterday) and we expect to have new flags to the proper dimensions in the next couple of weeks, certainly in time for the Imperial.


Re: Bisley 23-6-11

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 7:12 pm
by Dangermouse
A good lesson on wind reading today. The wind came from the normal left to right, but also was moving from behind and from the front.
Quite graphic evidence of shots being pushed low with the wind from our front and high with the wind from behind.
I did not quite get the hang of the combined effects of front or back plus side as the shots were landing anywhere in a 8 moa line for me with the .308 (155 SMK's @ 2950 fps).

At one point I thought that I had worked out the mirage and the effects when the target became crystal clear / no mirage, but my conclusions were not 100% and proved that you can not rely on just one piece of information when shooting in those conditions.

As we packed our gear away at 1230 we had the only down pour of the day, which may actually have been hail, as the hooter sounded. Made me wonder if the almighty enjoys a bit of shooting himself.


Re: Bisley 23-6-11

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 7:33 pm
by dromia
christel wrote::lol:

I actually thought the picture was good because of the targets in the distance and the flags.
Yes but they are in the background the a***s dominate I'm afraid. ;) :D :lol:

Re: Bisley 23-6-11

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 8:53 pm
by Ovenpaa
Wind conditions were incredibly hard even with a 7mm and slippy Hybrid's. 1000 yards was good and I shot a 2+15 followed by a 2+10, moving to 1100 was a nightmare, I should have been on the target with 24MOA, first shot a miss, second a 2 followed by three more misses.The marker was as surprised as I was as he could see the splash behind but no hole. In the end I went back to zero and dialled back in and got on target with a 4, added 1 MOA for wind and missed again! I took a whole 6MOA of wind out and got where I wanted to be, after that life was good at 23MOA Elevation.

I had wanted to test the bullets I had tipped with my bullet pointing die conversion and they went well, Elevation was down to 22.25MOA, verticals were good and I managed to bang a few V's in again and regain my composure. At some points wind was varying by 4MOA and more from shot to shot which caught us all out at times. We stopped just at the right time as we were hit by a hail storm as the last few bits were being packed away.

The bullet pointing conversion for a Redding Match die has worked very well, this one is a prototype and I have a couple of design changes to make, mostly to ease the manufacturing process so with luck I should be able to build a .308 conversion over the next few days and get my Beta tester on it ;)

I also want to test a slightly different profile to give a smoother blend into the tipping die itself and drop the angle by 1.5 degrees as I believe it will better suit the Hybrids, which means more fun grinding cutters for the final stainless steel die section.

Re: Bisley 23-6-11

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 9:06 pm
by dodgyrog
None of those looks like Christel's A**e! :lol:

Re: Bisley 23-6-11

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 9:08 pm
by 20series
dodgyrog wrote:None of those looks like Christel's A**e! :lol:
Oh mate, you are so going to cop it now!!!!!!!!!!!! :o :lol: :o :lol:


Re: Bisley 23-6-11

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 9:13 pm
by Ovenpaa
dodgyrog wrote:None of those looks like Christel's A**e! :lol:
I was going to ask but have decided it is probably wiser not to........... :lol: