Hope you don't mind me asking please remove the thread if it's not appropriate. Carbide inserts tool holders are they hardened is it possible to mill a 16mm holder down to 14mm to fit in my quick change tool post holder. I prefer to use the 16mm inserts. I have several holders that will fit in my tool post and accept the 16mm inserts but they were machined for me by an old guy in the now defunct machine shop. He has retired at 73 and the machine shop is gone.
I ordered a boatload of VNMG 16MM inserts thinking they would fit my tool holder and they don't so I have bought a suitable tool holder but its 16mm and it won't fit in my tool post holder.
Hope that makes sense.
Yes they are soft (ish) Just bung the tool in the mill and take a couple of mil off the top along the clamping area so it fits correctly in the tool holder. This way you do not have to worry about cutting at a slight angle and upsetting the tool geometry.
Sequence: The insert goes in the tool which goes in the tool holder which goes in the tool post.
Personally I would have suggested the DCGT11 even though I use the VCGT16 almost exclusively in the bigger machines in straight, left and right hand configurations, for me, the VCGT profile is slightly better suited to some jobs.
Du lytter aldrig til de ord jeg siger. Du ser mig kun for det tøj jeg har paa ...
Didnt have any luck even with carbides I dont normally use these inserts I bought them by mistake.
I either stick them on the bay or make a tool post holder that will acept a 16mm tool.
Making a tool holder sounds like a project for the week end.
I checked I already have DCGT11 inserts and right and left hand insert tool holders. I just prefer the 16mm jobbies. Listen to me it's not that long ago I didn't even know what a carbide insert was never mind understand the numbering.