I only ticked the ones I'd like to actually do, but that doesn't mean I don't support people who want to shoot other disciplines, but as this isn't a referendum on firearms legislation, I didn't think that mattered.Enfield Enthusiast wrote:I ticked all the boxes, because I support every-ones right to shoot their respective disciplines, even though some like muzzle-loading disciplines might not appeal to me, as much as historic or Gallery-rifle does to me. Happy days.
For example, I couldn't be doing with anything involving running about. I remember my Dad saying "trust you to find a sport you do lying down"

I also didn't tick ones where I'd certainly like to have a go, but which at the moment I have no interest in doing as a regular thing (but who knows if I'd get bug bitten if I did have a go at target shotgun, or muzzle loaders).