SHED Ported Cleaning Rod guide option dropped.

'Something shiny from the SHED' - A range of shooting and reloading accessories designed and built here in the UK.
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SHED Ported Cleaning Rod guide option dropped.

#1 Post by Ovenpaa »

We have decided to drop the ported range of SHED cleaning rod guides for the time being. We will continue to build our range of standard cleaning rod guides, just not with the cleaning port.

The SHED cleaning rod guides all have an increased diameter at the back end of the tube which means cleaning solution when applied to the cleaning patch is not squeezed out all over the place and the increased diameter also acts as a reservoir during the cleaning process.

The reason for dropping the ported cleaning rod guides is to place the port in a reasonable location behind the back of the 'scope means building guides approaching 340,0mm long for the average rifle action and deep drilling the material to this length is both time consuming and not without its problems. Also we were getting requests for many different sizes of port which made it hard to standardise the build.

I am looking at an alternative design featuring a removable rear end and will hopefully build some prototypes when I get a spare moment.

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