Hello from Arizona

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Re: Hello from Arizona

#51 Post by yellowhand »

DaveB wrote:Man, I wish we had some of that here!
I read somewhere, our local Sheriff departments, had the highest percentage of ex military combat vets of any occupation here in the states.

I know, friends with, shoot with a lot of them, can't think of one here that is not a former combat soldier/Marine.

Our saving grace here, our Constitution and Bill of Rights.

If these idiots gain power, suspect both will be tested hard.
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Re: Hello from Arizona

#52 Post by DaveB »

Sadly outside of the rural areas, New Zealand is not the country it was. More than half the population of New Zealand, now lives in a single city - Auckland. We have had rampant immigration here, a large proportion of those immigrants live in Auckland. A lot of these people come from places where there is no history of legitimate firearms ownership. They have no concept of why firearms are necessary in rural areas, and frankly they do not care. Maybe where they come from guns were a problem, and so every time idiots in government try to tighten up the rules, they all think it's a good idea.

And more than anything else New Zealand is a land of sheep. That used to mean the four-footed woolly things, but now it means the unthinking mass of people that just accept what the government tells them, and actually believe that the government has their best interests at heart. I know, right? How can anybody actually be that stupid? But there it is.

I would like to think that our police and military would have the moral fibre to refuse illegal orders and to refuse to do things they know are just plain wrong, but events after the Christchurch massacre, the way this nation meekly accepted all the crap around COVID, and the recent election, makes me fear for the future. Police and the military are, after all, reflections of the society they are drawn from and I have to tell you that I have no confidence whatsoever that if the government ordered a house to house warrantless search and confiscation of all firearms, that these automatons would not do exactly that. I doubt very much whether enough of them would refuse to actually make any difference.

I say again - you are really very lucky. Hang onto it.
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